Recognizing World Mental Health Day
By OAAP Post
October 10th is not only Law School Mental Health Day, but also World Mental Health Day. Recognized internationally since the early 90’s, this is a day for mental health education, awareness, and advocacy. Well over half of all lawyers report having had depression or anxiety over the span of their legal career. Every day, we receive calls from lawyers, judges, and law students seeking help. Recognizing you are not alone in your hardships or experiences can bring comfort and a renewed sense of community.
It seems appropriate that today, we revisit our 2020 inSight newsletter article on perspectives. In it, lawyers share their experience practicing law with anxiety or depression: the challenges they faced, what helped, and what they would like other lawyers to know.
While not easy to do, reaching out for help can be a big step and is often the first step to feeling better. To talk to an attorney counselor about depression or anxiety, call the OAAP at 503.226.1057. Rest assured that your call to us is completely confidential and will not affect your standing with the Professional Liability Fund or the Oregon State Bar.
We’ve also provided a few additional resources below.
OAAP Anxiety and Depression Support Group – meets bi-weekly online.
Technology and Mental Health – Chris Ritter (inSight, December 2019)
Did You Know? Facts About Depression and Anxiety (inSight, December 2020)
Chair Yoga Demonstration (Thriving Today, April 2023)
What’s on Your List? Developing Healthy Ways to Calm and Soothe (Thriving Today, September 2020)